I learned
that I should never get caught up in the consumer market race involving
smartphones and other mobile internet technologies because in the long run,
they would have no value whatsoever. Not unless Apple says that it is shutting
down will I ever consider buying a new smartphone from them. My iPhone 4S works
just fine.
smartphone is a plague not just in devaluing live conversations in exchange of
digital ones, but because the public takes innovation taken for granted while
manufacturers and distributors take all the credit. Anybody investing in
smartphones or technology today should know that future innovations will
involve the smartphone’s usability with other technologies, and my best bet,
the self-driving car technologies, are still yet to arrive.
innovation means manufacturers will get innovative ideas from designers and
then render them expendable. A lack of innovators will mean a crashing market.
As the market falls, so will the value of smartphones. If you’re making a
business of buying and selling smartphones in your area, you might get in
trouble in three or two years.
Investing in
technology manufacturing is a better bet rather than investing in the entire
project itself. There is a high risk in innovation as well, so be careful.